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Poster Session III


Poster Session


Poster Session



Date and time:

18:00 to 20:30 on 08/01/2024

Poster session themes:

3-Measuring and modelling CO2 in the ocean 

4-Measuring and modelling carbon on land

Poster presentation:

304052 - Ocean Carbon Sink Changes Following AMOC tipping

Anastasia Romanou


304357 - Ocean-atmosphere CO2 exchanges at the Brazil Malvinas-Confluence Region

Celina Cândida Ferreira Rodrigues


304183 - Anthropogenic CO2, air-sea CO2 fluxes and acidification in the Southern Ocean: results from a time-series analysis at station OISO-KERFIX (51°S-68°E)

Claire Lo Monaco


304344 - Accumulation of anthropogenic CO2 in mode waters of the South Indian Ocean over 1994-2019 deduced from in

situ data

Claire Lo Monaco


303899 - First Brazilian Ship-Of-Opportunity line for autonomous CO2 measurements in coastal and Amazonas river waters: first experiences and results

Raquel Renó de Oliveira


304202 - High-resolution spatial distribution of carbon dioxide in a tropical oligotrophic coastal water (Paraty Mirim Bay, Southeastern Brazil)

Tainan Fonseca Fernandes


304009 - Impacts of rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations and climate variability on air-sea CO2 fluxes in the Arabian Sea between 1980 and 2018

Zouhair Lachkar


304065 - Seasonal variability in water‒air CO2 exchanges in a subtropical estuary

Cintia Coelho


304452 - Feature extraction from shipboard acoustic echograms using convolutional neural networks

Emmett Culhane


304448 - Ocean Acidification trends in the Gulf of Mexico: the GOMECC program

Leticia Barbero


304271 - Oceanic CO2 Partial Pressure and fluxes in the region of interaction between the North Brazilian Current and the Atlantic Equatorial Undercurrent

Luana Pinho


304339 - The surface ocean CO2 mapping inter comparison project in its second phase

Peter Landschützer


304353 - Evaluating the global ocean biogeochemistry models used in the Global Carbon Budget with the International

Ocean benchmarking (IOMB) System

Sreeush Mohanan


304392 - A Novel Assessment of the Changing Physical and Ecosystem Controls on the Global Ocean Carbon sink from 1950 to 2100

Tereza Jarnikova


304330 - Seasonal variability of the surface ocean carbon cycle: a synthesis

Keith Rodgers


304350 - Photovoltaic “forest” outperforms afforestation as climate-change mitigation strategy in dry regions

Dan Yakir


304266 - Study of large woody debris in forests as part of the development of a national system for monitoring pools and carbon fluxes in Russia

Alexander Dobrovolsky


304365 - A long-window/short-window data assimilation for separating temporal scales of carbon-exchange focussing on the Amazon

Auke van der Woude


304442 - Counteracting Climate Change: How Land Cover Shifts Regulate Temperature in the Vulnerable ABoVE Domain

Di Yang


306616 - Role of Permafrost Thaw and Nutrient Release for the Arctic Vegetation C Sink

Fabrice Lacroix


304429 - Eddy covariance data products from AmeriFlux and FLUXNET: current state and future plans

Gilberto Pastorello


304323 - Kinetic and environmental controls on the soil methane sink and its sensitivity to global change

Hannah Dion-Kirschner


304414 - How can the land biosphere be part of the climate solution? Toward a predictive understanding of coupled

carbon-nitrogen cycling and net GHG budget

Hanqin Tian


303741 - Assimilating Multi-site Eddy-Covariance Data to Calibrate the CH4 Wetland Emission Module in a Terrestrial Ecosystem Model

Jalisha Theanutti Kallingal


304402 - High-resolution CO2 flux inversion system for African ecosystems: CMS-Flux-Africa

Jeongmin Yun


305750 - Quantifying high-resolution carbon flux in terrestrial ecosystems using geostationary satellites and knowledge-

guided machine learning.

Jongho Kim


304462 - Hyper-temporal monitoring of terrestrial vegetation and carbon cycle using a geostationary meteorological

satellite, Himawari-8

Kazuhito Ichii


304257 - Concurrent measurement of O2 production and isoprene emission during photosynthesis: pros, cons, and

metabolic implications of responses to light, CO2 and temperature

Kolby Jardine


304213 - Modeling root exudation and soil priming effects for mature forests under eCO2

Kristian Schufft


304259 - The response of tropical montane forest trees to warming

Lina Mercado


304221 - Divergence and legacy in pantropical biomes net carbon uptake recovery from the El Niño

Mousong Wu


304184 - Imprint of environmental variables regulating the carbon uptake of an Indian forest on its fluorescence emissions

Pramit Deb Burman


304314 - Towards Accurate Carbon Cycle Projections: Integrating Hyperspectral Observations and Terrestrial Ecosystem Dynamics in Earth System Models

Renato Braghiere


304563 - The AmeriFlux Management Project: Overview and the Year of Remote Sensing

Sebastien Biraud


304262 - The role of non-structural carbohydrates in the CO2 response of temperate forests

Simon Jones


304211 - Understanding the impact of high-temperature events on carbon balance in northern mid-to-high latitude regions

Takuto Taguchi


304265 - A Vegetation Photosynthesis and Respiration Model (VPRM) for the post-MODIS era

Theo Glauch


304317 - Global land carbon sink estimates: towards right answer with right reasons

Youngryel Ryu


304241 - Size, distribution and vulnerability of the global soil inorganic carbon

Yuanyuan Huang


305586 - Scaling Diurnal and Seasonal Dynamics of Water Use Efficiency from the Site to the Globe

Zoe Pierrat


304273 - Estimating carbon flux in temperate mixed and broadleaf forests using a simplified approach to estimate nighttime respiration

Shamil Maksyutov


304455 - Amazon's Carbon Sequestration Potential: A Spatial Analysis of Post-Fire Secondary Forests

Maria Isabel Silva dos Santos


304360 A Terrestrial Carbon Community Assimilation System, TCCAS, for combining observations with a biosphere model into a consistent view of the terrestrial carbon cycle

Marko Scholze 


304276 - An advantage of using the modeled soil temperature and moisture data for soil respiration empirical modeling

Sergey Kivalov


304098 - Estimating regional carbon budget over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau from eddy covariance flux measurements  based on memory-based deep learning

Wei He


304427 - Exploring and testing tropical forest carbon cycle feedbacks using the FATES vegetation demography model

Charles Koven


Coffee break: 3:30:00 PM to 4:30:00 PM


Share your questions or ideas about this activity!


Role of Permafrost Thaw and Nutrient Release for the Arctic Vegetation C Sink
Quantifying high-resolution carbon flux in terrestrial ecosystems using geostationary satellites and knowledge-guided machine learning.
Scaling Diurnal and Seasonal Dynamics of Water Use Efficiency from the Site to the Globe
Hyper-temporal monitoring of terrestrial vegetation and carbon cycle using a geostationary meteorological satellite, Himawari-8
Amazon's Carbon Sequestration Potential: A Spatial Analysis of Post-Fire Secondary Forests
Feature extraction from shipboard acoustic echograms using convolutional neural networks
Ocean Acidification trends in the Gulf of Mexico: the GOMECC program
Counteracting Climate Change: How Land Cover Shifts Regulate Temperature in the Vulnerable ABoVE Domain
Eddy covariance data products from AmeriFlux and FLUXNET: current state and future plans
Exploring and testing tropical forest carbon cycle feedbacks using the FATES vegetation demography model
How can the land biosphere be part of the climate solution? Toward a predictive understanding of coupled carbon-nitrogen cycling and net GHG budget
High-resolution CO2 flux inversion system for African ecosystems: CMS-Flux-Africa
A Novel Assessment of the Changing Physical and Ecosystem Controls on the Global Ocean Carbon sink from 1950 to 2100
A long-window/short-window data assimilation for separating temporal scales of carbon-exchange focussing on the Amazon
A Terrestrial Carbon Community Assimilation System, TCCAS, for combining observations with a biosphere model into a consistent view of the terrestrial carbon cycle
Ocean-atmosphere CO2 exchanges at the Brazil Malvinas-Confluence Region
Evaluating the global ocean biogeochemistry models used in the Global Carbon Budget with the International Ocean benchmarking (IOMB) System
Photovoltaic “forest” outperforms afforestation as climate-change mitigation strategy in dry regions
Accumulation of anthropogenic CO2 in mode waters of the South Indian Ocean over 1994-2019 deduced from in situ data
The surface ocean CO2 mapping inter comparison project in its second phase
Seasonal variability of the surface ocean carbon cycle: a synthesis
Kinetic and environmental controls on the soil methane sink and its sensitivity to global change
Global land carbon sink estimates: towards right answer with right reasons
Towards Accurate Carbon Cycle Projections: Integrating Hyperspectral Observations and Terrestrial Ecosystem Dynamics in Earth System Models
An advantage of using the modeled soil temperature and moisture data for soil respiration empirical modeling
Estimating carbon flux in temperate mixed and broadleaf forests using a simplified approach to estimate nighttime respiration
Oceanic CO2 Partial Pressure and fluxes in the region of interaction between the North Brazilian Current and the Atlantic Equatorial Undercurrent
Study of large woody debris in forests as part of the development of a national system for monitoring pools and carbon fluxes in Russia
A Vegetation Photosynthesis and Respiration Model (VPRM) for the post-MODIS era
The role of non-structural carbohydrates in the CO2 response of temperate forests
The response of tropical montane forest trees to warming
Concurrent measurement of O2 production and isoprene emission during photosynthesis: pros, cons, and metabolic implications of responses to light, CO2 and temperature
Size, distribution and vulnerability of the global soil inorganic carbon
Divergence and legacy in pantropical biomes net carbon uptake recovery from the El Niño
Modeling root exudation and soil priming effects for mature forests under eCO2
Understanding the impact of high-temperature events on carbon balance in northern mid-to-high latitude regions
High-resolution spatial distribution of carbon dioxide in a tropical oligotrophic coastal water (Paraty Mirim Bay, Southeastern Brazil)
Imprint of environmental variables regulating the carbon uptake of an Indian forest on its fluorescence emissions
Anthropogenic CO2, air-sea CO2 fluxes and acidification in the Southern Ocean: results from a time-series analysis at station OISO-KERFIX (51°S-68°E)
Estimating regional carbon budget over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau from eddy covariance flux measurements based on memory-based deep learning
Ocean Carbon Sink Changes Following AMOC tipping
First Brazilian Ship-Of-Opportunity line for autonomous CO2 measurements in coastal and Amazonas river waters: first experiences and results
Assimilating Multi-site Eddy-Covariance Data to Calibrate the CH4 Wetland Emission Module in a Terrestrial Ecosystem Model
Impacts of rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations and climate variability on air-sea CO2 fluxes in the Arabian Sea between 1980 and 2018
Zouhair Lachkar, Alain de Verneil, Michael Mehari,
The AmeriFlux Management Project: Overview and the Year of Remote Sensing
Sebastien Biraud, You-Wei Cheah, Trevor Keenan, Margaret Torn,
Seasonal variability in water‒air CO2 exchanges in a subtropical estuary
Cintia Coelho, Rodrigo Kerr, Thiago Monteiro, Andrea Carvalho, Eunice Machado, Carlos Rafael Mendes, Leticia ,

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