Poster Session III
Poster Session
Poster Session
Date and time:
18:00 to 20:30 on 08/01/2024
Poster session themes:
3-Measuring and modelling CO2 in the ocean
4-Measuring and modelling carbon on land
Poster presentation:
304052 - Ocean Carbon Sink Changes Following AMOC tipping
Anastasia Romanou
304357 - Ocean-atmosphere CO2 exchanges at the Brazil Malvinas-Confluence Region
Celina Cândida Ferreira Rodrigues
304183 - Anthropogenic CO2, air-sea CO2 fluxes and acidification in the Southern Ocean: results from a time-series analysis at station OISO-KERFIX (51°S-68°E)
Claire Lo Monaco
304344 - Accumulation of anthropogenic CO2 in mode waters of the South Indian Ocean over 1994-2019 deduced from in
situ data
Claire Lo Monaco
303899 - First Brazilian Ship-Of-Opportunity line for autonomous CO2 measurements in coastal and Amazonas river waters: first experiences and results
Raquel Renó de Oliveira
304202 - High-resolution spatial distribution of carbon dioxide in a tropical oligotrophic coastal water (Paraty Mirim Bay, Southeastern Brazil)
Tainan Fonseca Fernandes
304009 - Impacts of rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations and climate variability on air-sea CO2 fluxes in the Arabian Sea between 1980 and 2018
Zouhair Lachkar
304065 - Seasonal variability in water‒air CO2 exchanges in a subtropical estuary
Cintia Coelho
304452 - Feature extraction from shipboard acoustic echograms using convolutional neural networks
Emmett Culhane
304448 - Ocean Acidification trends in the Gulf of Mexico: the GOMECC program
Leticia Barbero
304271 - Oceanic CO2 Partial Pressure and fluxes in the region of interaction between the North Brazilian Current and the Atlantic Equatorial Undercurrent
Luana Pinho
304339 - The surface ocean CO2 mapping inter comparison project in its second phase
Peter Landschützer
304353 - Evaluating the global ocean biogeochemistry models used in the Global Carbon Budget with the International
Ocean benchmarking (IOMB) System
Sreeush Mohanan
304392 - A Novel Assessment of the Changing Physical and Ecosystem Controls on the Global Ocean Carbon sink from 1950 to 2100
Tereza Jarnikova
304330 - Seasonal variability of the surface ocean carbon cycle: a synthesis
Keith Rodgers
304350 - Photovoltaic “forest” outperforms afforestation as climate-change mitigation strategy in dry regions
Dan Yakir
304266 - Study of large woody debris in forests as part of the development of a national system for monitoring pools and carbon fluxes in Russia
Alexander Dobrovolsky
304365 - A long-window/short-window data assimilation for separating temporal scales of carbon-exchange focussing on the Amazon
Auke van der Woude
304442 - Counteracting Climate Change: How Land Cover Shifts Regulate Temperature in the Vulnerable ABoVE Domain
Di Yang
306616 - Role of Permafrost Thaw and Nutrient Release for the Arctic Vegetation C Sink
Fabrice Lacroix
304429 - Eddy covariance data products from AmeriFlux and FLUXNET: current state and future plans
Gilberto Pastorello
304323 - Kinetic and environmental controls on the soil methane sink and its sensitivity to global change
Hannah Dion-Kirschner
304414 - How can the land biosphere be part of the climate solution? Toward a predictive understanding of coupled
carbon-nitrogen cycling and net GHG budget
Hanqin Tian
303741 - Assimilating Multi-site Eddy-Covariance Data to Calibrate the CH4 Wetland Emission Module in a Terrestrial Ecosystem Model
Jalisha Theanutti Kallingal
304402 - High-resolution CO2 flux inversion system for African ecosystems: CMS-Flux-Africa
Jeongmin Yun
305750 - Quantifying high-resolution carbon flux in terrestrial ecosystems using geostationary satellites and knowledge-
guided machine learning.
Jongho Kim
304462 - Hyper-temporal monitoring of terrestrial vegetation and carbon cycle using a geostationary meteorological
satellite, Himawari-8
Kazuhito Ichii
304257 - Concurrent measurement of O2 production and isoprene emission during photosynthesis: pros, cons, and
metabolic implications of responses to light, CO2 and temperature
Kolby Jardine
304213 - Modeling root exudation and soil priming effects for mature forests under eCO2
Kristian Schufft
304259 - The response of tropical montane forest trees to warming
Lina Mercado
304221 - Divergence and legacy in pantropical biomes net carbon uptake recovery from the El Niño
Mousong Wu
304184 - Imprint of environmental variables regulating the carbon uptake of an Indian forest on its fluorescence emissions
Pramit Deb Burman
304314 - Towards Accurate Carbon Cycle Projections: Integrating Hyperspectral Observations and Terrestrial Ecosystem Dynamics in Earth System Models
Renato Braghiere
304563 - The AmeriFlux Management Project: Overview and the Year of Remote Sensing
Sebastien Biraud
304262 - The role of non-structural carbohydrates in the CO2 response of temperate forests
Simon Jones
304211 - Understanding the impact of high-temperature events on carbon balance in northern mid-to-high latitude regions
Takuto Taguchi
304265 - A Vegetation Photosynthesis and Respiration Model (VPRM) for the post-MODIS era
Theo Glauch
304317 - Global land carbon sink estimates: towards right answer with right reasons
Youngryel Ryu
304241 - Size, distribution and vulnerability of the global soil inorganic carbon
Yuanyuan Huang
305586 - Scaling Diurnal and Seasonal Dynamics of Water Use Efficiency from the Site to the Globe
Zoe Pierrat
304273 - Estimating carbon flux in temperate mixed and broadleaf forests using a simplified approach to estimate nighttime respiration
Shamil Maksyutov
304455 - Amazon's Carbon Sequestration Potential: A Spatial Analysis of Post-Fire Secondary Forests
Maria Isabel Silva dos Santos
304360 A Terrestrial Carbon Community Assimilation System, TCCAS, for combining observations with a biosphere model into a consistent view of the terrestrial carbon cycle
Marko Scholze
304276 - An advantage of using the modeled soil temperature and moisture data for soil respiration empirical modeling
Sergey Kivalov
304098 - Estimating regional carbon budget over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau from eddy covariance flux measurements based on memory-based deep learning
Wei He
304427 - Exploring and testing tropical forest carbon cycle feedbacks using the FATES vegetation demography model
Charles Koven